Conference Proceeding
Solanki, P., & Jin, G. Waste Glass as an Alkaline Activator and Fly Ash as Precursor in Geopolymer Concrete. 12th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-12) (2023)
Solanki, P., Bierma, T., & Jin, G. Recycling of Single-Stream Waste Glass in Flowable Fill. The Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT5) (2019)
Journal Article
Jin, G., Darner, R., Wodika, A. Lai, J. W. (2023) Fostering Scientific Literacy with Problem Sets that Generate Cognitive Presence and Fulfill Basic Psychological Needs. Journal of College Science Teaching. Vol. 52, No. 7, 85-94.
Solanki, P., Bierma, T. and Jin, G. (2020), “Properties of Flowable Fill Produced by Substituting Fly Ash with Recycled Glass Powder,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 265, pp. 1 – 16.
Jin, G., Bierma, T., & Yang, L. Cap-and-Trade: Understanding and teaching a market-based approach to natural resource allocation. Natural Sciences Education 45.doi:10.4195/nse2015.0030 (2016)
Jin, G., & Bierma, T. Low-heat, mild alkaline pretreatment of switchgrass for anaerobic digestion. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, PartA: 49.5 (2014): 565-574.
Hu, C., Jin, G., & Englande, A. Evaluation and applicability of water quality and nutrients removal by coastal wetlands receiving treated municipal wastewater and its application.. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 22.4 (2011): 522-531.
Technical Report
Jin, G., Solanki, P., & Garg, N. Geopolymer Concrete for Sustainable Construction and Beyond. Illinois Innovation Network (IIN) – Sustaining Illinois Funding, University of Illinois (2023): 15.
Waste Glass as an Alkaline Activator and Fly Ash as Precursor in Geopolymer Concrete. 12th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC - 12). (2023)
Jin. G. (2022) “Civic Engagement through Student-formed Consulting Community”, 2022 SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities) Summer Institute (Virtual), August 5-7.
"Science Literacy for General Education at ISU: A Pilot Study". Illinois State University Annual Teaching & Learning Symposium. (2020)
Jin. G, Wodika, A., Darner, R., Lai, J.W., Cihlar, J. & Moore, M. (2020) “Pedagogical Tools Developed to Foster Accuracy-Oriented Reasoning”, 20th SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities) Conference (Virtual), July 30-August 2.
A Summary of Practice for Recycling of Waste Glass in Pavement Materials. ASCE T&DI International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference. ASCE. (2019)
Recycling of Single-Stream Waste Glass in Flowable Fill. The Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT5). (2019)
Teaching Statistics Using a Hybrid/online Approach. Creating Climates for Teaching and Learning” - Illinois State University Annual Teaching & Learning Symposium. Illinois State University. (2012)
STEM for Non-STEM Majors: POGIL, “Clickers”, and Biodiesel in a Lecture Hall Environmental Science Course. POGIL Great Lake Regional Meeting. National Science Foundation. (2011)
Geopolymer Concrete for Sustainable Construction and Beyond. Illinois Innovation Network (IIN) – Sustaining Illinois Funding. State. (2022)
Making Geopolymer Concrete Using Waste Glass and Quarry by-products. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2022)
SoTL URG: Science Literacy for General Education at ISU: A Pilot Study with HSC 156: Environmental Health in the 21st Century. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2019)
Recycled Glass: Cement/Fly Ash Substitute in CLSM. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Federal. (2018)
Fate of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Irrigated Wastewater Effluent. Illinois Sustainable Technology Center. State. (2011)