Dr. Jennifer Peterson

- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Dr. Peterson has a bachelor's degree in Medical Record Administration, a Master's in Health and Physical Education, and a Doctorate in Educational Administration and Foundations. She spent much of her career working in Cancer Program Management and Oncology Clinical Research. She has taught at Illinois State University in the Health Sciences Department for over 29 years; full time for the last 10 years. Her areas of interest include program assessment and evaluation, cancer registry, and the role of health information in population health. She currently serves as Health Information Management faculty and as the HIM Program Director.
Current Courses
105.002Medical Terminology
310.001Health Information Management Seminar
105.004Medical Terminology
105.005Medical Terminology
320.001Organization And Management Of Health Information Services
407.001Public Health Systems
Teaching Interests & Areas
Introduction to Health Information Management, Pathophysiology, Quality Improvement in Health Care, Technology in Health Information Management, Data Analysis, and Management in Health Care
Research Interests & Areas
Online education, Adult Undergraduate Education, Assessment and Evaluation in Online Education, Meaningful Use and Electronic Health Records, Cancer Registry