Dr. Jim Broadbear
Professor of Health Promotion & Education
Health Sciences

FHS Felmley Hall of Science 229
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Professor of Health Promotion & Education, Illinois State University
Current Courses
398.001Professional Practice: Field Experience In Health Education
298.001Professional Practice: Practicum in Health Promotion and Education
496.001Health Behavior
496.091Health Behavior
296.001Health Behavior And Theory
207.001Mind/Body Health
498.011Professional Practice in Health & Wellness Coaching
298.001Professional Practice: Practicum in Health Promotion and Education
Teaching Interests & Areas
Health Behavior
Health & Wellness Coaching
Mind Body Health
Research Interests & Areas
Health & wellness coaching
Public education about wellness, healthy aging, and longevity
Ph D Health Behavior
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana
MS Exercise Science
Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, IL
BS Zoology
Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, IL
Million Dollar Club (in external funding)
Journal Article
Broadbear, J. The most powerful question. NWI Journal (2024)
Broadbear, J. & Broadbear, B. (2023). A peek into the mindset and neurobiology of behavior change. NWI Journal. https://nwijournal.com/a-peek-into-the-mindset-and-neurobiology-of-behavior-change/.
Broadbear, J., & Broadbear, B. (2022). The big 3 of behavior change. NWI Journal. https://nwijournal.com/the-big-3-of-behavior-change/.
Broadbear, J., & Broadbear, B. Novice Health and Wellness Coaches: Implications for Professional Preparation. Pedagogy in Health Promotion (2017)
Broadbear, J., Broadbear, B., Lyde, A., & Mills, S. A qualitative evaluation of blood pressure screening procedures in the Illinois WISEWOMAN Program. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practices 12.3 (2014)
Magazine/Trade Publication
Broadbear, J. (2021, April 13). How to be an embodied triathlete. Triathlete. https://www.triathlete.com/training/how-to-be-an-embodied-triathlete/.
Newspaper, Article
Broadbear, J. Mental wellness days no solution. The Pantagraph (2024)
Broadbear, J., & Broadbear, B. (2024, February 15). Health testing you need. The Pantagraph. https://pantagraph.com/opinion/columnists/broadbear-health-testing-you-need/article_325a2736-cc4f-11ee-9a69-9fc0ca3d6146.html,
Broadbear, J. & Broadbear, B. (2022, May 20). Ukraine and our emotional wellness. The Pantagraph. https://pantagraph.com/opinion/column/broadbears-ukraine-and-our-emotional-wellness/article_cf3efa4e-d83c-11ec-9cb1-e7092a5d1ca7.html.
Broadbear, J. (2022, July 21). Step aside for the up-and-comers. The Pantagraph. https://pantagraph.com/opinion/column/jim-broadbear-step-aside-for-the-up-and-comers/article_880e28dc-0921-11ed-984a-b373e1804abb.html.
Broadbear, J., & Broadbear, B. (2022, February 11). Successfully revisiting resolutions. The Pantagraph. https://pantagraph.com/opinion/column/jim-and-barb-broadbear-successfully-revisiting-resolutions/article_3913601a-e610-53e8-8fd6-714052ea468d.html.
Broadbear, J., & Broadbear, B. Life Smart for Teens (2014)
Broadbear, J., & Broadbear, B. Evaluation of blood pressure screening in the Illinois WISEWOMAN Program. Illinois Department of Public Health (2012): 35.
Broadbear, J., Morrow, M., & Broadbear, B. Life Smart for Women: A comprehensive women’s health program. Illinois Department of Public Health - Office of Women’s Health (2012)
Broadbear, J., Morrow, M., & Broadbear, B. Life Smart for Women: A comprehensive women’s health program. Illinois Department of Public Health - Office of Women’s Health (2011)
Models of Healthy Aging: Implications for Wellness Professionals. Annual Wellness Summit. National Wellness Institute & WELCOA. (2025)
Broadbear, B., & Broadbear, J. (2023, July). Connecting with change: The mindset and physiology of the stages of change. Breakout session at the 2023 National Wellness Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
Broadbear, J., & Broadbear, B. (2021, July). Designing wellness visions that work. National Wellness Conference.
Broadbear, J., & Broadbear, B. (2019, October). Health and wellness coaching as embodied intelligence: A professional development experience. National Wellness Conference.
Health coaching self-efficacy among novice coaches. Society for Public Health Education. SOPHE. (2018)
Bringing design into the planning and evaluation process. Women's Health Conference. Illinois Department of Public Health. (2013)
Evaluation of blood pressure screening in the Illinois WISEWOMAN Program. Women's Health Conference. Illinois Department of Public Health. (2012)
Diffusing the Innovation of Obesity Prevention: Evaluation of a Workshop for School Health Teams.. Annual Conference of the American School Health Association. American School Health Association. (2005)
Effective Assessment and Evaluation – The PEOPLE Program.. Winning Grants for Physical Education. National Association for Sports and Physical Education. (2005)
PEOPLE Program: Physical Education Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle Enhancement Program.. Annual Conference of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. (2005)
Grants & Contracts
Development of Life Smart for Teens. Illinois Department of Public Health - Office of Women's Health. State. (2013)
Development, evaluation, and implementation of Life Smart for Women and Life Smart for Women II. Illinois Department of Public Health - Office of Women's Health. State. (2005)
Evaluation of blood pressure screening in the Illinois Wise Women Program. Illinois Department of Public Health. State.
Healthy Aging - Making Deposits for Now & the Future. Illinois Department of Public Health - Office of Women's Health. State.